- lossless compression
- сжатие (информации) без потерь
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
lossless compression — Compression Com*pres sion, n. [L. compressio: cf. F. compression.] 1. The act of compressing, or state of being compressed. Compression of thought. Johnson. [1913 Webster] 2. (Computers) reduction of the space required for storage (of binary… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lossless Compression — [engl.], verlustfreie Komprimierung, Datenreduktion … Universal-Lexikon
lossless compression — Any data compression method that compresses a file by rearranging or recoding the data that it contains in a more compact fashion. With lossless compression, no original data is lost when the file is decompressed. Lossless compression methods… … Dictionary of networking
lossless compression — A process that reduces the storage space needed for an image file without loss of data. If a digital image that has undergone lossless compression is decompressed, it will be identical to the digital image before it was compressed. Document… … Glossary of Art Terms
lossless compression — nenuostolingasis glaudinimas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Duomenų ↑glaudinimo būdas, kai juos suspaudžiant neprarandama informacijos. Iš taip suglaudintų duomenų galima visiškai tiksliai atkurti pirminį jų pavidalą. Taip glaudinami… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
lossless compression — compression of graphical data in which all of the information is preserved and the quality of the picture is not damaged after the compression … English contemporary dictionary
lossless compression — Compression techniques that do not decompress data 100 percent back to original … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
lossless compression — /lɒsləs kəmˈprɛʃən/ (say losluhs kuhm preshuhn) noun Computers a data compression technique in which there is no reduction of the file data. Compare lossy compression …
JPEG Lossless Compression — is a means of compressing images such that the original image can be recovered exactly so called Reversible Compression. It is only commonly used in conjunction with the DICOM standard for medical imaging.The name JPEG stands for Joint… … Wikipedia
Lossless data compression — is a class of data compression algorithms that allows the exact original data to be reconstructed from the compressed data. The term lossless is in contrast to lossy data compression, which only allows an approximation of the original data to be… … Wikipedia
Compression — Com*pres sion, n. [L. compressio: cf. F. compression.] 1. The act of compressing, or state of being compressed. Compression of thought. Johnson. [1913 Webster] 2. (Computers) reduction of the space required for storage (of binary data) by an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English